Gianni Buonsante is a storyteller of imagery.

Professional Published Photographer

Gianni Buonsante is an Italian photographer and videomaker, he is a storyteller of imagery and he believes that there is a story to tell in every person and every place. Gianni beholds a deep passion for photography that tells these stories with authenticity. His versatility and creativity allow him to approach every project with new perspectives. Gianni Buonsante captures intricate detail in all of his works.

Featured Work

Tuscany Marvel

Edizioni Assouline (2021)

Testo di Cesare Cunaccia

Il volume è stato presentato al pubblico il 12 giugno 2021, alla Tenuta dell’Andana.

A pagina 100 lo scatto di Gianni Buonsante ritrae L'Andana dall'alto con le colline punteggiate di ulivi e i vigneti.

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